I'm sure you have probably heard by now, the Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and Sciences announced on Friday that they will have
brand new rules for the Academy as a whole and for their annual Oscar
ceremony . I'm sure you also know that the Academy had a lot of back
lash as to there being no minorities nominated in the acting
categories, in which case a lot of people like Spike Lee and Jada
Pinkett Smith, (granted she may be just upset due to her
husband not being nominated,) saying they are going to boycott this
years ceremony. What did the Academy do in response? They totally
changed the rules of the Academy. First let me tell you how the
Academy is run now. For all intents and purposes it is run by mainly
older white guys. Most of them are over the age of 62 and a large
majority have not worked in the industry for 10 years. There are
basically no blacks in the Academy (only around 20 % ) , and if you
want to be a new member in the Academy, you need to first off be
invited to join, then you need to have a studio sponsor you for you
to join. Here is what they are doing; they are going to try and get
more minority members and hopefully get it around 50% by the year
2020, they are also aiming at getting younger members, and to join
you still need to be invited, but they are getting rid of the whole
studio sponsor thing (I don't know what that was all about in the
first place). As for the Oscars, they are almost going to get rid of
the lifetime voting thing, but here is how it's going to work: They
are going to judge you in 10 year segments, if you have not worked in
the industry for a decade, then you will moved to a merit status.
Merit status means you will receive all the benefits of being an
Academy member, such as going to the movies for free, seeing the
Oscars in person, but will not be able to vote for the Oscars. If
you make a surprise comeback then you will resume your voting status.
If you have won or have been nominated for an Oscar, you will have
lifetime voting rights. Another way to get lifetime voting rights is
if you have worked for three consecutive 10 year segments. Nowadays
it will be that you have to have had to worked in the 80's, 90's, and
2000's. As for my opinion on these new rules, I think they are very
reasonable although I have a couple problems with the rules (I am not
a member as I wish I was ). I think the lifetime limiting is very
good but I think that the whole idea that working for 3 ten year
segments and getting lifetime voting rights is not a good idea. I can
understand that if you have won or been nominated for an Oscar,
because that is a select group and these people have made a
significant contribution to the industry but having just worked for a
very long time does not mean that you have made this significant
contribution, although some may have. Unfortunately, the rules will
not take affect until next years ceremony, but here's hoping that by
getting younger members we will get movies like Batman
V Superman,
America Civil War,
Finding Dori
into the best picture race, (providing they are any good).
more information about the new rules please visit®ion=Marginalia&pgtype=article&_r=0
a complete list of all the Critic Choice Award winners (this year)
please visit
2016 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee
and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they
will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for
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