Monday, April 13, 2015

“The Man Called Flintstone”

Hello, there! Welcome to this review of “The Man Called Flintstone”. This movie was released in theaters by Hanna-Barbara in 1966 (a couple of weeks after the end of the Flintstones' TV series – so, you can call it the series finale). Let's begin.

Oh man, in fact, I just realized something: I just told you guys all my facts of this movie during the introduction (awkward). As I mentioned before, this movie was released in 1966, and box-office wise, I have no idea how it did, but I can only assume that it hit rock-bottom (no pun intended) because nobody seems to know about this film. That does not mean that it's not a good movie though. So, let's dig in (no pun intended).


Okay, Fred Flintstone is being an understudy for a secret agent because the secret agent got injured. Anyway, the Flintstones and the Rubble family were sent to Paris, France and Rome, Italy to hunt down a bad guy.
Now this movie is VERY funny, but that was not surprising because the show was very funny also (excluding the early cigarette commercials that they incorporated in their broadcast). The story was also really good. I forgot to mention earlier that this is a James Bond parody. And, this is also a musical. The songs are really good and some actually add to the story. However, the songs between Pebbles and Bam-Bam were cute but unnecessary (except for the second one which added a little bit to the story - but you have to fill a 90-minute running time somehow). There was one song that they didn't add in for some weird reason; and that is, the original Flintstones theme song (if you watch this and are missing the song, here's a place that you can watch it online Even the '90's live action movie included the theme song (and even did a whole re-enactment of the opening scene. Here's that link: ). When the characters went to Rome, Italy, I have a slight problem; it would have been a great place to showcase the Roman Empire in its prime (but, then again, it is a '60's cartoon). As for my rating, I'm going to go ahead and give it the highest honor I can bestow: 5 stone stars! In conclusion, if you have not seen it (which there's a pretty good chance) hunt down a rare DVD copy (or an ultra-rare VHS or laser-disc copy). Goodnight, and “Bee” happy.

By Mr Bee  

copyright 2015 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your understanding. 
images courtesy of  AT&T Inc. and  Harmony Healthcare International respectively.

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