Monday, March 23, 2015

"Lego: Batman the Movie: DC Super Heroes Unite"

Welcome to this review of Lego: Batman the Movie: DC Super Heroes Unite. Now, I have a disclaimer before I get into this review; I did not really play with Legos growing up. So, anyway, I might be a little bit more harsh on the movie than somebody who did grow up with Legos. But, I did really like the Lego Movie which was in theaters last year and was a major award contender (but not for the Oscars). I am, however, a HUGE Batman fan (which may negate the previous disclaimer).

This movie was released in 2013 (which was a year before The Lego Movie). That's where the facts stop. I have a hypothesis on why the movie was made: MONEY! If you call the Super Mario Bros. movie a “video game movie”, this movie is literally a “video game movie” because they use the scenes from Lego Batman II. But, “they replaced the gameplay with new scenes with the same actors” (to quote Wikipedia). And that's about it...Oh, one more thing; you do not hear Will Arnett as Batman – it's Troy Baker (just to let you guys know).


Bruce Wayne, tycoon billionaire, and Lex Luthor are both nominated for Gotham City's very prestigious “Man of the Year Award” which brings them together. And, (spoiler alert!) Lex Luthar did not win – “Better luck next year.” (to quote Bruce Wayne in the movie). But, of course, Lexxy is none too happy playing second fiddle to Brucy. During the ceremony, the festivities got ambushed by The Joker. Naturally, Lex teams up with The Joker to cause chaos and, ultimately, win the Presidential Election.


Now, this movie was not that bad. The humor was far and away not as funny as The Lego Movie, but the voice acting was good. Overall, it's your basic superhero story of “good vs. evil” where “good” predictably triumphs. I would have focused more on the politics angle of Luthor running for president...Which leads me to a major plot hole – at first, in the movie, you think that Lex is running in the middle of the primaries, but, you find out that it is actually the day before election day. Which begs the question; Who is the other candidate? Who is Luthor's running mate? Now, I am going talk about what kids want to see as opposed to what a mature audience is looking for in an entertaining movie. Younger audiences mainly want to see the “superhero action”; however, adults want more story. When you have a movie about Lex Luthor running for president, we want to see the campaign leading up to it. Now, if you want to see Lex running for president, I have two movies for you to check out. The first one is the Bruce Timm Justice League series featuring the third and forth season particularly. That gives you every in-and-out of his campaign. The other thing that you could check out is Superman and Batman: Public Enemies which doesn't give you details about his campaign but does fill you in on what happens after he wins. One more thing before I conclude; the animation is not really that bad – for a direct to DVD movie, but why in the world did the movie need be made with Legos? As for my rating of the movie: I give it 3 stars! If you are a hard-core Batman fan or a young kid, it's worth your time. If not, this is a good one to skip. This movie is average. Goodnight, and Bee Happy!

BY Mr. Bee  

copyright 2015 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your understanding. 

images courtesy of  AT&T Inc./The Lego Group and Mango Bollywood respectively.

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