Welcome to
the 9-month anniversary of “Mr. Bee's Brilliant Movie Buzz”.
Now, you might be wondering what the best way to celebrate is. How
about reviewing a sequel to the movie that I started with (and
perhaps quit while I was ahead)? Now, let's begin ;
this movie was directed by Roy Allen Smith who also directed the
second and third Land Before Time movies (and, he is also responsible
the franchise). This is also the last movie to have any of the
original cast (I can see why). Moving on,
movie is roughly about a herd of migrating longnecks coming into the
Great Valley. Littlefoot's grandpa comes down with a mysterious
illness which can only be healed by a flower called the “Night
Flower” that only grows in the land of the mist (which is where the
older longnecks came from). As you probably guessed, it is up to
Littlefoot, Petri, Spike, Ducky, and Sara...and, introducing, a new
character – Ali (not really new though, considering the movie is 20
years old). The gang's task - to find the “Night Flower” and
defeat some really stupid villains (both literally and figuratively)
before grandpa longneck becomes...extinct (I couldn't resist).
it would take an expert team of archeologists a LONG time to dig
anything positive out of this movie. The only good thing that I can
glean is the song that Littlefoot's grandma sings to Littlefoot is
not really that bad about the circle of life (insert Lion
reference here). The one problem with the song is that it would have
been a great place to reference Littlefoot's mom dying (but that is a
nit-pick). Anyways, to sum up: The voice acting is terrible!
Particularly, the part when Littlefoot's family is telling him about
migrating, grandpa seems to have swallowed a dictionary (maybe that's
why he's sick in the first place). The animation seems to have
gotten worse with every subsequent movie! The writing is horrendous!
For example, Littlefoot's grandpa's impending death is incredibly
forced and the villains add basically NOTHING to the story. For the
most part, the songs are absolutely pitiful! In particular, there is
one song with a message about anti-discrimination that would be
better served on Sesame Street...scratch that, Barney and Friends.
Now, how I would make this movie better is by having grandpa die.
That would have created some kind of emotional connection in this
empty movie, but (spoiler
lives. Anyway, this movie is awfully, horrendously bad and doesn't
even warrant a one-star rating. Instead, I am giving it the first
ever Mr. Bee Golden Garbage Can Award™ - an award bestowed to a
movie that can not even be given a 1-star rating or a sequel or
remake of a phenomenal movie that tarnishes the brand's legacy. This
movie fits both criteria. Save yourself the time because I have
suffered through it so that you don't have to. If you have a birth
to 3-year-old who needs a tv babysitter for 74 minutes, this may work
on mute just for the colors alone, but even then, I wouldn't
recommend it! Goodnight, and Bee happy...as for me, where's the
nearest bottle of beer?
2015 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee
and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they
will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for
your understanding.
Great job Brad