Friday, November 6, 2015

The Hollywood Film Awards: Epic Fail

Now, as some of you may know, on November 1, the Hollywood Film Awards were held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. It was live-tweeted on Twitter. Now, if you have been reading my blog since last November, you may know that I did a huge rant about the Academy's choice to do a live blog to cover the Governors' Awards. And, if you read the blog, you would know that I was “none to happy” about it. Here again, this is the very identical thing.

Last year the Hollywood Film Awards were broadcast on live TV for the first time. However, after horrible ratings, they got demoted to a live twitter feed. Now, first off, doing this on twitter it automatically limits your audience because not everyone has a twitter account. There were a couple of things that I could see without a twitter account...but I don't know how much I couldn't see as I do not have a twitter account. Secondly, this leads to another problem; to get through the entire show, you would have to wait 2 hours until after the show was actually over (I may be over-exaggerating a tad) because doing something like this makes them have to post things in multiple segments so you have to wait a long time to see all of it while they're posting it. WHO HAS THAT KIND OF TIME?! I know I don't! Thirdly, in all awards shows there are heart-wrenching moments. And to deny people the right to see that is just inexcusable! Apparently, one of the winners got a standing ovation...but I couldn't see it because it was not shown and I WASN'T AT THE CEREMONY (and, unfortunately, it did not end up on youtube). Only about 3 parts of the entire ceremony went viral for the general public (Amy Schumer winning, Vin Diesel's speech for Fast 7 and Straight out of Compton winning for best casting and part of James Cordin's monologue...those are the only parts that I could see!)

So, on to a more pleasant show topic; The Hollywood Film Awards, as they say, is the start of “awards season”! So, here's some of my quick-picks on the movies going to the Oscars. The Martian will definitely get in there and The Sufferagette may have a chance at the best picture...but it is not doing so well at the box office. This may be weird for me to say, but Inside Out will definitely get in and win best animated feature and it also has a small chance for getting nominated for best picture (winning is another story). I am saying this because I think this year will be a year with 10 nominees for best picture because of the Academy's ratings last year being sub-par.

Now here is the answer to my quiz from the last blog: Louie B. Mayer is the founder of the academy...The person who got it right will get to request a movie that I will review. Goodnight, and Bee Happy!
By Angry Mr. Bee 

copyright 2015 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your understanding.

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