Hello everyone! I am here to unveil my new Mr. Bee page on Facebook. There I will be posting thoughts on movies, and movie news. You will also be getting a weekly show of In the Mind of Mr. Bee where I will be talking about the week’s movie news, reviews, and a fascinating topic in the world of film. So, pretty much whatever is rattling around my brain when I go live. Often times I will have a guest to join in the hyjinx. Keep in mind, I will be the best part of the broadcast and my guest will be pretty mediocre because I don’t have the budget to hire anyone coherent. The show will be every Sunday at 9:15 pm eastern. So, I highly recommend you “like” my page. Just go to the top of the page and click on Facebook, and the link will take you there. And don’t worry; the Facebook page is only supplementary to the blog as this blog will not be ending anytime in the immediate future. It will just give you another dose of me for when I go several months without posting a blog. In the coming weeks, more new and exciting things are coming, so stay tuned for all of those. Goodnight and Bee Happy™
copyright 2019 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your understand