Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Fox is Now Disney

Hello to everyone ! At 12:02 am this morning Disney now officially owns one of the giants of Hollywood ,20th Century Fox , (and other assets of 21st Century Fox) !

I am going to keep this blog brief because many of my opinions of this merger has already been covered in depth with my blog I did back in December of 2017 when this deal was announced. Just to clarify on some possible dated elements from that post , we know a little more now than we did back then ; Disney does not own Foxes Regional Sports networks due to the justice department rejecting that over antitrust concerns. As far as what Disney will do with the Fox name , it seems as though Disney will be keeping the Fox brand , and Fox will be a division within Disney.

There are still several unanswered questions like , Can Disney and the New Fox Company ( which owns the Fox Network and Fox News and the other assets that were not included in the deal ) use the Fox name in harmony ? What will Disney do with Blue Sky Animation ? Also a less important one , Will the X-Men appear in Avengers Endgame , and many more unanswered questions . We will probably get the answers soon but how soon is the question ? What I am asking you to do as my loyal readers is comment down below with your thoughts or if you want it more private , you can email me at ( Thanks for reading .

Goodnight, and Bee Happy!

Mr Bee. 
copyright 2019 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your underst 

 image courtesy of  Hollywood Reporter