Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Mr. Bee’s Review

“ Throughout the course of this Blog I will be reviewing the history of Hollywood past, present and maybe even the future.”  

Mr. Bee August of 2014 

Hello, It has been five years to the day since Mr. Bee’s Brilliant Movie Buzz was started. Since then I have done a total of 107 blogs! I have also expanded into other frontiers such as facebook and youtube, and let me tell you I have enjoyed every minuet of it (apart from some of the horrendous movies I have had to suffer through!)

To celebrate this momentous occasion I have chosen to review a movie that I mentioned from the blog that started it all: Who Framed Roger Rabbit! My first readers might remember that at the end of my reviews during my first two months, I gave the Rotten Tomatoes score and the awards that each movie I reviewed won, or was nominated for. I have discontinued this, simply because I have forgotten and I don’t feel the need to backup my opinion with someone else's. With this in mind, in that first blog I mentioned that Who Framed Roger Rabbit was the movie that won the Saturn award over The Land Before Time. So now I decided to review this movie and give my opinion on which of these two movies I think should have actually won the award.

There is so much information on this movie, that if I gave it all this blog would be as long as War and Peace. So here is some of the most interesting facts. This movie is directed by Robert Zemeckis, the same guy that directed the Back to the Future movies. This movie features lots of cameos of classic cartoon characters. Warner Brothers agreed to have their characters appear in the movie only if their characters get the same amount of screen time as Disney’s. Sadly this is one of the last times you will hear voice acting legend Mel Blanc voicing the Looney Tunes. 


For the two of you that have not seen this movie yet the plot is simple. Detective Eddie Valiant gets hired by cartoon producer R.K. Maroon because toon star Roger is worried that his wife, Jessica, is having an affair with someone else. But everything changes when Marvin Acme is found dead, and Roger becomes the prime suspect. It is up to Valiant and Roger to prove his innocence before he gets the “dip”, which, fun fact, is the main ingredients of paint thinner.


What can I say about this movie that has not already been said? The blending between live action and animation is probably the best we have or will ever see. If you didn’t know any better you would believe the cartoon characters were really there. The story line is nearly perfect. Bob Hoskins is perfect casting as Eddie Valiant, I would even go so far as to say that this may be his best role. Christopher Lloyd is fantastic as Judge Doom, he is terrifying in the role, let’s just say I still have nightmares from that guy! The lighting and cinematography fits the mood of the scenes perfectly. 

Overall it is a funny, emotionally driven, and an exciting movie. I am proud to give it the highest rating I can bestow, five gold stars! If you can’t tell by now I believe the Saturn awards clearly made the right choice.

To everyone that has read or watched any of my content in the past five years I will be forever grateful for you. Goodnight and Bee Happy!

copyright 2019 Bradley Entertainment All rights belong to Mr. Bee and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your understanding.

images courtesy of The Walt Disney Company and
Harmony Healthcare International respectively.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Aladdin (2019) Mr. Bee’s Short Review

Hi  This was originally written on May 30 but I've been a little busy  and as to tradition i will be taking the Summer “off” but with all that said i am working some new and exciting things coming In the coming weeks so stay tuned Have a wonderful summer and Enjoy 


Hello. Yesterday I got a chance to see Disney’s new live- action remake, Aladdin, and for the record, Aladdin is very much a part of my childhood and really probably one of my favorite disney and childhood movies. Now, long time readers of my blog may remember that I put Aladdin at number 9 of my top 10 favorite disney movies. Well the order of them has shifted over time, Aladdin is still in my top 10, possibly top 5. Now readers possibly may know that I’m not a huge fan of disney’s live-action remakes. But there have been a few that I have actually enjoyed, like The Jungle Book and Christopher Robin. The marketing for this movie did a terrible job at getting the hype up, like Will Smith looking terrible as the genie. I went in with an open mind and the lights dimmed and the trailers finally ended and the movie started. Here’s what I thought. Let’s start with the good parts. The production design is beautiful. The acting for the most part was pretty good. The editing and cinematography were mostly great. Technical wise period, the movie succeeded with flying colors. The musical numbers are probably the highlight of the movie. Oh they also made a conscious effort not to completely copy the animated movie, but with that said, while some of the changes are not bad, they didn’t change enough of the story to give me a reason why it needed to be made in the first place. They managed to do the unthinkable, and made Iago more annoying even though Gilbert Gottfried did not reprise his role. How they did that was making Iago a normal parrot and making him utterly useless, even more useless than he was in the animated version. While Will Smith didn’t really try to imitate Robin Williams, his jokes were not really all that funny whatsoever. I only chuckled a couple of times. The genie design still looks like crap. The last point is, it all needed to be a lot more menacing. Overall, Aladdin is just okay. If you want to see it and are really serious about it, go right ahead. You will get some enjoyment out of it. For anyone else, I will say stick with the animated, at least until it’s available for streaming. I give it 3 out of 5 stars. Thanks for reading this. If you want to hear a more in-depth review, let me know and I will do it well after it comes out on home media of course. Until next time, Goodnight and Bee Happy!


copyright 2019 Bradley Entertainment All rights belong to Mr. Bee and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your understanding.  
images courtesy of  The Walt Disney Company and Mango Bollywood respectively.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I am now on Facebook

Hello everyone!  I am here to unveil my new Mr. Bee page on Facebook.  There I will be posting thoughts on movies, and movie news.  You will also be getting a weekly show of In the Mind of Mr. Bee where I will be talking about the week’s movie news, reviews, and a fascinating topic in the world of film.  So, pretty much whatever is rattling around my brain when I go live. Often times I will have a guest to join in the hyjinx.  Keep in mind, I will be the best part of the broadcast and my guest will be pretty mediocre because I don’t have the budget to hire anyone coherent.  The show will be every Sunday at 9:15 pm eastern. So, I highly recommend you “like” my page. Just go to the top of the page and click on Facebook, and the link will take you there.  And don’t worry; the Facebook page is only supplementary to the blog as this blog will not be ending anytime in the immediate future. It will just give you another dose of me for when I go several months without posting a blog.  In the coming weeks, more new and exciting things are coming, so stay tuned for all of those. Goodnight and Bee Happy
copyright 2019 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your understand

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The 91st Oscars Recap

Hello, sorry for the delay on this. I’ve been a little busy. As most of you probably know, the Academy held the 91st Academy Awards a little over a month ago now. Now, let’s start with my opinions on the ceremony. Despite all that was surrounding the ceremony, the ceremony was just okay. It wasn’t bad by any means of the word, there was some problems like the chemistry between presenters was in some cases horrible. A ton of the jokes resulted in becoming hit or miss as a result. The ceremony would have been better if the presenters came alone rather than in pairs or threes. Now granted, if there was a host, the show might have been able to keep the ceremony more engaging with the overall chemistry, but it still probably would have been bad even with a host, maybe just not as noticeable. The one thing the ceremony did accomplish was focusing the ceremony more on the movies nominated, which in many respects I like. Oh and the whole idea of having non-hollywood celebrities introducing the best picture nominees one by one, really did not work at all. One of the worse ones was done by Serena Williams (if my audience does not know who she is, she’s a world famous tennis player). I’m sure she’s a great tennis player but public speaking is just not one of her talents. The best one was done by Trevor Noah when he introduced Black Panther. All in all those moments ended up becoming some of the most awkward moments of the night. Overall, the ceremony was in the middle of the road. It had a lot of good moments, but had plenty of awkward moments. Most of the problems could be solved next year with or without a host. And if the producer’s want to know how to make the show better, call me. Now, let’s get to the winners. 

Best Animated Feature: Spiderman: Into the Spider Verse. 
Having seen most of the nominees, I am thrilled that it won. 

Best actor: Rami Malek Bohemian Rhapsody
Having seen his performance, he gave a fantastic performance as Freddy Mercury. 

Best Documentary Short: Period. End of Sentence
I have seen all of the nominees and unfortunately Period. End of Sentence was one of the weakest out of the entire bunch. There were at least three a lot more worthy, but the reason why it won is because it had a massive campaign. If I was the sole voter of the Oscars, I would have given the award to End Game or maybe some of the other ones. 

Best Editing: Bohemian Rhapsody
Bohemian Rhapsody has really great editing. It is definitely a deserving winner. Part of the reason why it won is because the movie was basically saved in the editing bay due to the fact that they fired the director Bryan Singer during the last weeks of shooting. 
Best Cinematography: Roma
Roma has some of the best cinematography this year. I am not complaining in the least. 

Best Adaptive Screenplay: BlacKkKlansman
It definitely has great writing and Spike Lee gave one of the best acceptance speeches of the night. 
Best Original Screenplay: Green Book
I will get to my opinion on Green Book a little bit later.

Best Supporting Actress: Regina King- If Beale Street Could Talk
I have not seen If Beale Street Could Talk, so I don’t have much of an opinion on her win. 

Best Supporting Actor: Mahershala Ali- Green Book
He gave a great performance in Green Book. 

Best Director: Alfonso Cuarón- Roma 
Alfonso Cuarón is really a masterful director. Roma is definitely a slow moving movie, but a great movie, as well. 

Best Actress: Olivia Colman- The Favourite
This is probably the biggest upset of the night. If you remember my predictions blog I said that Glenn Close was a lock, but I have not seen either of their performances and so I can’t tell you which one was actually more deserving. However, Glenn Close has had 7 nominations and still no win. So you could argue that it should have been Glenn Close because she was overdue for one. 

Best Picture: Green Book
Now I have seen Green Book and I enjoyed the movie just fine. Would I have given it the Best Picture Oscar? Probably not. Of the nominees I have seen, I probably would have given it to either Black Panther, BlacKkKlansman, or Bohemian Rhapsody, but Green Book is a really good movie. The controversy surrounding it, calling it a “white savior” movie, while not unfounded, I will say the controversy was definitely blown out of proportions. But I do highly recommend Green Book, I just probably wouldn’t give it the actual award. Oh and Green Book is now the fifth movie to win Best Picture without the director nomination. 

About a week or so after the Oscars, legendary director and member of the board of the Academy, Steven Spielberg, announced plans to propose a rule that will essentially ban netflix and other streaming services from participating at the Oscars. Spielberg says Netflix makes TV movies so therefore they should be participating at the Emmys, not the Oscars, and  I do have to disagree with him and  I will ask Spielberg this one question: Define a movie. But it is looking like Spielberg will not get any action due to just this week the DOJ (The Department of Justice) wrote a letter to the Academy telling them if they go through with it, they will be breaking Anti-trust laws, because it will be a competitor talking with another competitor who possibly caused another competitor to go under. Therefore, that is why Spielberg will probably not get his way. To finish this blog, I will just ask you a very interesting question: How do you define a movie? Goodnight and Bee Happy!™ 

For the complete list of  all the oscar winners please visit 
copyright 2019 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your underst

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Fox is Now Disney

Hello to everyone ! At 12:02 am this morning Disney now officially owns one of the giants of Hollywood ,20th Century Fox , (and other assets of 21st Century Fox) !

I am going to keep this blog brief because many of my opinions of this merger has already been covered in depth with my blog I did back in December of 2017 when this deal was announced. Just to clarify on some possible dated elements from that post , we know a little more now than we did back then ; Disney does not own Foxes Regional Sports networks due to the justice department rejecting that over antitrust concerns. As far as what Disney will do with the Fox name , it seems as though Disney will be keeping the Fox brand , and Fox will be a division within Disney.

There are still several unanswered questions like , Can Disney and the New Fox Company ( which owns the Fox Network and Fox News and the other assets that were not included in the deal ) use the Fox name in harmony ? What will Disney do with Blue Sky Animation ? Also a less important one , Will the X-Men appear in Avengers Endgame , and many more unanswered questions . We will probably get the answers soon but how soon is the question ? What I am asking you to do as my loyal readers is comment down below with your thoughts or if you want it more private , you can email me at ( Thanks for reading .

Goodnight, and Bee Happy!

Mr Bee. 
copyright 2019 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your underst 

 image courtesy of  Hollywood Reporter

Friday, February 22, 2019

The 91st Oscar Lead-Up

Hello and welcome to my long, long, delayed award season coverage. Sorry I haven’t been doing my usual coverage of award season, but I’ve been a little busy. The Oscars are this Sunday, and what better time to start my award season coverage (December or January would have been the ideal time)? I’m going to begin with the ceremony itself. Now as mentioned in a previous blog, there is no host. Ever since they decided to go hostless, the ceremony has been plagued with some other minor issues and poor decisions. First of all, in an effort to save time, they decided to only perform 2 out of the 5 best song nominees. That decision immediately came under fire with the Academy’s music branch and some people online. They have since backtracked and they will be performing all the nominees. But in my opinion I can understand the Academy’s decision to only perform two, because performing all of them is a bit much. However, allowing only two is a bit unfair - you either need to do ALL or NONE. They did not ask the acting winners from last year to present the award this year - as is tradition. Allison Janney said she was heartbroken about the decision - thus enraging the internet.The Academy backtracked yet again and invited all four of last year’s acting winners. Perhaps most irritating of all, if you remember the old Best Popular Film category, in that announcement they also announced there will be categories that will be presented during commercial breaks. They were going to be Live Action Short, Makeup and Hair, and Editing and Cinematography. Just to let you know, editing and cinematography are artforms that are unique to cinema. You wouldn’t have a movie without them. If you did not have editing and cinematography, you would only have a play (for the record - I have nothing against theater). Most people agree with me as the membership of the Academy freaked out along with the guilds.  Aside from the potential of a lackluster ceremony based on the decisions and walk-backs of the Academy, the races this year are some of the most fascinating and nail-biting in a long time. And I will be predicting all 24 categories, so I can tell you what to put in your Oscar pool.

Best Animated Feature: 
I have seen all but one of the nominees. Based on my personal opinion,
Spiderman- Into the Spider-Verse should win the Oscar and it will probably win
the Oscar. Spiderman will probably win the Oscar because it won the Golden
Globe, Critics’ Choice Award, BAFTA, Producers’ Guild, and all 7 Annies it was
up for. I am a little leary of The Incredibles 2 because it was a traditional and
good movie and the Academy often likes to award Disney and Pixar.

Best Supporting Actor:
Mahershala Ali (Green Book) has this in the bag. He has won the Golden Globe,
the BAFTA, the SAG, and the Critics’ Choice Award. There’s a chance for Sam
Elliott or Richard E. Grant (for A Star is Born and Can you Ever Forgive Me,  respectively). 

Foreign Language Film: 
Roma is a lock. Enough Said.

Best Editing:
Bohemian Rhapsody will probably win. There’s a small chance Vice could take it
out. Bohemian Rhapsody was basically saved in the editing bay.

Best Visual Effects:
Avengers Infinity Wars will probably take it, but this is a very tough category to
predict. There’s room for an upset from Ready Player One and First Man. Solo
and Christopher Robin don’t have much of a chance of winning so your options
are Avengers, Ready Player One and First Man.
Best Makeup and Hair:
Vice is pretty much a lock, just look at pictures of Christian Bale as Dick Cheney
and compare Christian Bale to the way he normally looks. Vice is easily going to
take it.

Best Supporting Actress:
This category is one of the toughest to predict. I have Rachel Weisz (the favorite) 
winning. Most people have Regina King (If Beale Street Could Talk) winning.
This race is eerily similar to the Sylvester Stallone and Mark Rylance race from a
couple years back, where if you don’t know (long-time readers of my blog will
probably remember the race, but new readers probably won’t), Sylvester
Stallone’s performance in Creed was winning every award he was nominated for.
However, he was not nominated for SAG or BAFTA. SAG went for Idras Elba,
who was not nominated for the Oscar, and BAFTA went for Rylance. At the
Oscar’s, Rylance pulled out a surprise upset. This year Regina King was not
nominated at SAG or BAFTA. SAG went for Emily Blunt (A Quiet Place) and
BAFTA went for Rachel Weisz. Blunt is also not nominated for an Oscar either.
So based on the similarity between Rylance and Stallone, it is very likely that Regina King will lose this also to Rachel Weisz.

Best Cinematography:
Roma is pretty much a lock. There is a small possibility of an upset from Cold 
War. Cold War is nominated for 3 Oscars. One is Best Director, but I see this as
the only category it could win.

Best Documentary Feature:
I am going with RBG only because of the political climate. The Academy might  want to make a statement and throw their support to Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
There’s a 49% chance that Free Solo could be an upset. Even though I have not
seen it, it does seem like more of a cinematic achievement. I have seen RBG,
and it’s an awesome documentary.

Best Score:
I’m going with If Beale Street Could Talk on this one. The composer, Nicholas
Britell was previously nominated for Moonlight, but he lost to Justin Gabriel
Hurwitz who did First Man this year and won the Golden Globe but is nowhere to
be seen on this list. This category could have any number of winners.

Sound Editing and Sound Mixing:
I hedging my bets and predicting Bohemian Rhapsody for both. This movie is
virtually a lock for sound mixing, however, sound editing gives us a major
possibility A Quiet Place (and it’s not nominated for Sound Mixing).

Best Original Screenplay:
t’s basically a two-way race between The Favorite and Green Book. The
Writers’ Guild gave us zero help in this category because they gave this
to Eighth Grade (which, in the biggest SNUB of the year, didn’t get any
nominations). It’s a very close call, but my gut says Green Book will win. 

Best Live Action Short:
This one is probably one of the toughest one to predict. I have barely any idea
who’s going to win, but my gut says Fauve, but any one of the nominees could
take it.

Best Costume Design:
Black Panther MAY pull this one out, but The Favorite is the big costume-period
drama that the voters seem to like in this category.

Best Actress: 
Glenn Close (The Wife) seems to be a lock for her very first Oscar. There’s a 
potential for an by Lady GaGa (A Star is Born) or Olivia Colman (The Favorite).

Best Song:
Shallow from A Star is Born will easily take it and give Lady GaGa an Oscar

Best Director:
Alfonso Cauron  is pretty much the favorite for Roma  . This will be
his second Oscar. He won his first for Gravity.

Best Production Design:
I am predicting Black Panther here, but The Favorite could very easily pull off
an upset.

Best Animated Short:
I am predicting One Small Step though Pixar’s Bao has a very good shot at
winning as well. Any of the others could also take it.

Best Adapted Screenplay:
BlackkKlansman will probably take it and give Spike Lee his first competitive
Oscar. I am leery of only because Can You Ever Forgive Me? because it won the Writers’ Guild.

Best Actor:
Rami Malek (Bohemian Rhapsody) is pretty much a lock. There is a small chance of an upset by Christian Bale (Vice)

Best Documentary Short:
I have actually seen all of the shorts nominated here. My personal favorite is
is End Game (not to be confused with the new Avengers movie coming out). And
I think it will win because it is directed by two-time winner Robert Epstein. Period. End of Sentence could pull off an upset because Lisa Taback, who is a former Harvey Weinstein associate, is now working for Netflix and has a very strong campaign for this movie (I believe she is also running the campaign for Roma).
Best Picture:
I have basically absolutely no idea who is going to take this. You can make the
case for five of them. BlacKkKlansman, Black Panther, Green Book, Roma, and
The Favorite are all legitimate contenders with a thin argument for A Star is
Born. From the research, your safest bet is Roma or Green Book. However, I
currently have BlacKkKlansman winning due to the fact it has directing and editing nods which are key to winning best picture. It was also nominated for SAG
Ensemble (their version of Best Picture) which usually catapults that film into
The Best Picture. The Shape of Water broke that tradition last year. On a
side-note, Black Panther won Ensemble this year.
With the preferential ballot, there are very few people that had a visceral reaction to BlacKkKlansman, so  they could have rated it highly. Any of those five could take it, and this
prediction could change many times between now and Oscar night.
Well, Oscar night is this Sunday. I beg you to give the Academy what they want - ratings, so we never need to hear about the best popular film or them removing categories from their broadcast again. There is still time to vote in my end of the year poll as well as the runoff for last year’s poll. You will find details in the events section in my blog. Due to a low number of submissions, I have extended the deadline to March 5. Goodnight, and Bee Happy!™ 

copyright 2019 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your understanding. 

Saturday, January 19, 2019

The 2019 Oscar Host is… Nobody...Have They Done it Before?

Hello and welcome.  I’m sorry that I haven’t posted any blogs lately due to my hectic schedule.  I promise that my awards-season coverage will be up-and-running in February. Now, to start things off, I’m sure that you’ve heard about the little controversy involving (the then-host) Kevin Hart back in December.  He was announced as the host of the Oscars only to step down a day later when homophobic tweets resurfaced that he did not apologize for. Now I would generally stay out of this discussion because the story has received enough media attention, and have little relevant insight as a straight, white, male.  But, long story short, we had a bunch of nothing coming in the way of news about what the Academy was going to do. Either everyone they asked said “No” - for the record, no one asked me - or the Academy wanted to move in a new direction. Nevertheless, the Academy decided to move on with no host.
But I have a question for you; Is it really a new direction or is it actually an old direction (or, as the Academy might put, a “senior direction” as the member's high-up in the Academy get offended when you use the term “old”)?  Well, l want to take you back to early-Oscars history. The Oscars started on May 16, 1929, and the ceremony only lasted 16 minutes (you would be correct to assume that was the shortest ceremony on record). There was a host that year - action hero and president of the Academy, Douglas Fairbanks.  I did an essay on him a couple years ago that you can reference if you want more information on him. The ceremony had a host every year until 1939. In case you’re interested, that ceremony lasted 2 hours and 6 minutes, and the best picture winner was You Can’t Take it With You.  As for the way that they presented the awards that year, it is relatively unknown because there is barely any video or sound footage of the ceremony due to the fact that the Oscars wouldn’t be broadcast on national radio until two years later and television coverage wouldn’t start until 1953.  As a result, all that we have from the early ceremonies were photos and the very rare newsreel footage.

The next thirty years they had a host, and Bob Hope hosted a large portion of those.  From 1969 to 1971 the Oscars again went hostless and how they presented the awards, as you would suspect, was just having presenters.  One interesting this was that in those years they introduced all the presenters at the beginning of the ceremonies. For the next several years, they had hosts because there were three or four hosts per ceremony.  And then in 1989, they again went without a host. They did, however, have an opening number in ‘89 with Rob Lowe and Snow White which almost led to a lawsuit from Disney. This is ironic in that Disney would go on to buy ABC about 6 years later.  Not surprisingly, a whole bunch of the audience members were horrified at what they saw. The next year that Academy had to do “damage control” by getting Billy Crystal to host for the first of what would be 9 times. There was a host from then until every year since...up to now.  

Moving on to some other award shows, going hostless is not as uncommon as you may think.  The Golden Globes went hostless for much of their existence because they thought that a host may ruin their laid-back atmosphere.  They have, however, used a host every year since 2010. The SAG Awards didn’t have a host until last year. The Annies have not had a host for the last five years and the ceremony is probably better because of it.  For one thing, it shortens the ceremony considerably which is good because it starts at 10:00 p.m. (my time). There are many other award shows that also don’t have hosts, but I would be here all night listing them all.  

So, overall, I don’t think that going hostless is a problem for the Oscars at the least.  Do I like a host for the Oscars? Yeah, as long as it’s not Franco and Hathaway. There are ways to make the ceremony entertaining without a host.  Also, going hostless might make the Oscars a little shorter as well. So, as long as they don’t give Rob Lowe a musical number with Snow White again, I think that the show will probably be fine.  

There is still time to vote in my end-of-the-year poll plus my run-off for last year.  Details are in the “Events” section. Goodnight, and Bee Happy!™

copyright 2019 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your understanding. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

End of 2018 Poll Rules

Happy New Year Everyone! 2018 has brought us Black Panther and Avengers Infinity War. The Academy was on the verge of making the worst mistake in its history only to reverse it a month later. And, as far as this blog goes, I have finally updated the sections and done some serious experimenting in other ways of getting my movie reviews and talking about movies and countless delays. Now that 2018 is behind us, it’s time for my end of the year poll. Oh, and by the way, there is still time to vote in the run-off in last year’s poll. We currently have a tie between Groundhog’s Day and The Grand Budapest Hotel. The rules are very simple for this year’s poll:

No NC-17 movies

Made-for-TV or direct to video movies do count but need to have a minimum running time of at least an hour

No movies that I have done an actual review on

Only one vote per person

Please put the year of the submission that you’d like me to review so that I know exactly which movie or version that you mean

You have until February 28th to get a movie submitted!

In order to vote, you can email me ( or you can comment. If you have not voted on my run-off poll from last year, I have added a write-in section to the form. Once again, Goodnight, and Bee Happy!™ Here’s hoping for a great 2019!  

copyright 2019 Mr. Bee Studio International All rights belong to Mr. Bee and webmaster Wesley M. and if anybody breaks this copyright they will have to spend ten years as my personal slave, and thanks for your understanding.