The Land Before Time series is almost done! After this one, we only have 2 to go! So as not to delay this much-delayed review (and completion of a fool’s errand) any longer, let’s get right to it.
Like with the other movies, I have not found any behind-the-scenes facts. I guess since the film-makers didn’t put any special bonus features on the DVD, I didn’t bother with any special facts.
The movie centers around Petri practicing his families’ routine for a strange holiday called “The Great Day of the Flyers”. You can put this holiday into an ever-expansive list of stupid holidays made for cinema right up there with Life Day in the Star Wars Holiday Special. They also came up with a new character named Guido, who for some reason, does a Woody Allen impression. Guido doesn’t know where he belongs. So, he tries to fit in with the other characters.
Let’s start with the good stuff (shouldn’t take long). The character animation is passable. The score is good. What is not good, is the CGI backgrounds (even by 2006 standards). The songs are aweful. The voice acting is pretty dismal. And, by the way, I have NO idea why Guido does a Woody Allen impression. The plot is predictable mainly because you have seen it done millions of time - and 50% of them have done it better. The message is not well conceived or excecuted. Let me explain (spoiler alert): Petri is having trouble flying with his group. Towards the end of the movie, Guido asks why Petri doesn’t just be himself. That is all fine-and-good. But, at ceremony, his family is doing the routine while Petri just starts doing his own thing. And everyone else just follows along not the least-bit mad at him. As a matter of fact, some people are enjoying it! You CAN NOT do that! Now I’m in chorus. What this movie is trying to tell me is that if I don’t like the song they are singing, I can just start singing my own song, and the entire chorus - including my teacher - will just start singing along with me. That is not okay. Now, granted, you need to put a little of yourself into all that you do, but this is going to the extreme! Generally, I would say that this movie like this harmless. But, for the message alone, I would not show this movie to my kids. The rest of this movie is 1-2 stars. But the message alone sinks it to the infamous Golden Garbage Can status. By the way, you can now vote for what series I am to do next. I have posted the rules in an earlier blog. Goodnight, and Bee Happy!™
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